Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares)
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist  Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Sold Dot"BELGIAN HARES (Domestic Rabbit breed : MOTHER & BABIES"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
12" x 18"
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Fired clay, papier-mache`, acrylic paints) Sculpture
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 4
Mixed Media (Fired clay, papier-mache`, acrylic paints) Sculpture
5" x 8"x 13"

Won a blue ribbon (1st Place!) on 9/9/23 @ the 40th Annual Queens County Fair's (Queens County Farm Museum) art exhibit.

Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Fired Clay, Papier-Mache`, Acrylic Paint)
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 6
Bust (head sculpture*) of an Antelope Jackrabbit (Lepus alleni)
Mixed Media (Fired Clay, Papier-Mache`, Acrylic Paint)
5" x 8" x 13"
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares)
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 8
Bust (head sculpture*) of an Antelope Jackrabbit (Lepus alleni)
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 10
"ALASKAN (aka "TUNDRA") HARE (Lepus othus)"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
11" x 15" (with 7" x 10" "cameo")
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 12
"VARYING (aka "MOUNTAIN") HARE (Lepus timidus)"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
11" x 15" (with 7" x 10" "cameo")
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 14
"BROWN HARES (Lepus capensis)"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
11" x 15" (with 7" x 10" "cameo")
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 16
"ARCTIC HARE (Lepus arcticus)"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
11" x 15" (with 7" x 10" "cameo")
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Acrylic on tie
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 18
Acrylic on tie

To celebrate Lunar New Year of the Rabbit.
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares)
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 20
Fred Adell wearing "SCWEWY WABBIT!!!" tie
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 22
Sold Dot"BELGIAN HARES (Domestic Rabbit breed : MOTHER & BABIES"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
12" x 18"
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on gesso primed cardboard
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 25
" BEACH BUNNY : EASTERN COTTONTAIL(Sylvilagus floridanus) "
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on gesso primed cardboard
11" x 15"

Long Island (Lido Beach and Long Beach)
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares)  acrylic on Masonite
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 27
"Pika's Peak" Rocky Mountain Pika (Ochotona princeps)
acrylic on Masonite
6" x 24"

related to rabbits & hares
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) mixed media (ink, watercolor, tempera) on cardboard
Mammals -- Lagomorphs (Rabbits, Hares) ,  article artwork image 29
Sold DotSnowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus)
mixed media (ink, watercolor, tempera) on cardboard
9 " x 12 "